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2024 3M™ Glass Finishes Sample Book

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Message 2024

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1DoorsGlass RailingsWindowsPartitionsEntrancesConference Roomsclean cutsschedule an appointment today T: 555-5555ENTEREXITStaircasesCorridorsWith over 100+ unique designs, patterns and textures, 3M™ Glass Finishes give you an easy way to add that extra element of design to your space. At 3M we oer a variety of portfolios to choose from — each developed with a specic design need in mind, including: 3M™ FASARA™ Glass Finishes, 3M™ DI-NOC™ Glass Finishes, 3M™ Crystal Dusted and Frosted Glass Finishes, and 3M™ Dichroic Glass Finishes. Our glass nish lms are ideal for privacy and decorative applications in oces, hotels, retail stores, restaurants, healthcare environments, and designed for ease of application and cleaning.3M™ Glass Finishes

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2 For Gradations, percent is an estimate of Visible Light Transmission for the most transparent and least transparent sections of the pattern. These values are typical but not warranted. Rollup sheet products such as Illumina Seamless and Illumina Silky Gradations are provided in single sheets with the print direction down the sheet length, wound on a small roll.Gradation TransmissionPrint DirectionPrint direction runs across the width of the roll for most Gradations.Print direction runs down the length of the roll for most designs that are not Gradation.3M™ FASARA™ Glass Finishes• Made from a durable polyester film with a pressure-sensitive adhesive backing• Capture the look of custom etched, cut or sandblasted glass• Choose from a variety of patterns created in collaboration with leading designers from across the globe• Tailor the light, privacy and style of your space• Whiteboard WH-111G can turn any glass surface into a writable, erasable canvas

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33M™ Crystal Dusted and Frosted Glass Finishes• Achieve the look of sandblasted or etched glass • Create custom cut shapes to promote your brand and design• Provide privacy in interior or exterior spaces while keeping an open feel3M™ DI-NOC™ Glass Finishes• Provides durable glass surfaces with a dimensional appearance• Apply under glass surfaces including walls, panels, table tops, shelves, fixtures and more• Available in opaque designs such as abstract, stone, fabric, woodgrain and metallic3M™ Dichroic Glass Finishes• Create dynamic, color-shifting appearance in cool or warm tones influenced by the environment• Apply film on exterior or interior glass surfaces• Transparent dichroic color effect changes color when viewed from different angles

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4Contents continued on next page > For exterior applications3M™ FASARA™ Glass FinishesPg. Pattern Name Product Codewidth length same colorGradationNEW7Mist-W SH2FGMI-W60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—NEW7Mist-S SH2FGMI-S60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—NEW7Mist-PR SH2FGMI-PR60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—NEW9Pop-W SH2FGPP-W60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—NEW9Pop-S SH2FGPP-S50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—NEW9Oval SH2FGOV60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—NEW9Sand SH2FGSD60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—9Cloud SH2FGCL60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—9Cloud Narrow SH2FGCN50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—9Cloud NarrowLight GraySH2FGCNL50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—9Cloud NarrowBlue GraySH2FGCNB50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—9Cloud NarrowDark GraySH2FGCND50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—11Illumina Silky-WSH2SSIM-W50/60 in. (1270/1524mm)9.6 ft. (2.95m)—11Illumina Silky-SSH2SSIM-S50/60 in. (1270/1524mm)6.5 ft. (1.98m)—NEW11Illumina Seamless-W2SH2SSIM-W260 in. (1524mm)9.8 ft. (3m)—NEW11Illumina Seamless-S2SH2SSIM-S260 in. (1524mm)9.8 ft. (3m)—NEW11Illumina Seamless-PRSH2SSIM-PR60 in. (1524mm)9.8 ft. (3m)—13Illumina SH2FGIM50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce13Illumina aSH4FGIMX 50 in. (1270mm)82 ft. (25m)—NEW13Illumina-PR SH2FGIM-PR60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce13Illumina-g SH2FGIM-G50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Glace13IlluminaReectSH2SIIM50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—13IlluminaBlackSH2BKIM50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Opague Black15Aerina SH2FGAR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Cielo15Sabrina SH2FGSB50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Mare15Lontano SH2FGLO50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—15Venetian SH2FGVN50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce15Diamond SH2FGDM50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce15Tsurugi SH2FGTG50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—NaturalNEW17Shigure SH2PTSG50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)NEW17Shigure Gray SH2GRSG50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)NEW17Shigure Black SH2BKSG50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)NEW17Fibril SH2PTFB50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)NEW17Brushed SH2FGBR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)NEW17Brushed Black SH2BKBR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)NEW19Travertine SH2FGTV50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)NEW19Travertine BlackSH2BKTV50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)NEW19Terrazzo SH2FGTZ50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)3M™ FASARA™ Glass FinishesPg. Pattern Name Product Codewidth length same colorNEW19Terrazzo Black SH2BKTZ50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Frost/Matte21Matte Crystal 2SH2MACRX2 50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Matte Crystal-iSH2MACR-I50/60 in. (1270/1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Fine Crystal SH2FNCR50/60 in. (1270/1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Mare SH2FGMR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Sabrina21Milky White SH2MAML40/50/60 in. (1016/1270/1524mm)196.8 ft. (60m)—21Glace SH2MAGL50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Luce SH2FGLU50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Milky CrystalSH2MLCRX 50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Milky Milky SH2MAMM50/60 in. (1270/1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Lausanne SH2EMLA40/50 in. (1016/1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Oslo SH2EMOS40/50/60 in. (1016/1270/1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Essen SH2EMES50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Frost MatteSH2FRMAX 50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Frost SucreSH2FRSCX 50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Chamonix SH2EMCH50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Cielo SH2FGCE50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Aerina21OpaqueWhiteSH2MAOW49.2 in. (1250mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—21Whiteboard WH-111-G49.2 in. (1250mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—Reect/Hairline23Milky MilkyLight GraySH2MAMML50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Milky MilkyDark GraySH2MAMMD50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Milky MilkyBlue GraySH2MAMMB50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23OpaqueBlackSH2BKOP50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Illumina Black23HairlineMatteSH2HLMA48 in. (1219mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Reect RE1SIAR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Chain MeshReectSH2SICMR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Reect23Cross HairlineMatteSH2CHMA48 in. (1219mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Cross HairlineSucreSH2CHSC48 in. (1219mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Cross HairlineMilkySH2CHML48 in. (1219mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Frost Walnut SH2PTFW60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Frost WalnutSmokeSH2PTFWS60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—23Cross HairlineMatte Light GraySH2CHMAL48 in. (1219mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—Washi25Pyrgos SH2PTPG60 in. (1524mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Straight Washi SH2FGSW50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Yamato SH2PTYA50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Altair SH2FGAT50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Vega SH2FGVG50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—Contents

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53M™ FASARA™ Glass FinishesPg. Pattern Name Product Codewidth length same color25Safu SH2PTSF50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Sagano SH2PTSA250 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Rikyu SH2PTRK50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—Fabric25Sensai Linen SH2FGSE50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Sensai LinenChampagne GoldSH2CSSEC50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25GrainChampagne GoldSH2CSGC50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Linen SH2FGLN50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Canvas SH2FGCV50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25CanvasChampagne GoldSH2CSCVC50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Linen Crystal SH2LNCR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25Buckram SH2FGBU50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25WeavePearlSH2EMWP50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25WeavePearl + Dark GraySH2EMWG50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—25BuckramPearl + GraySH2FGBUG50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—Border/Dot/Geometric27Cut Glass SH2CSC50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—27Cut GlassPearlSH2CSCP50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—27Astral Silver SH2CSAS50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—27Vista SH2FGVI50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce27Shizuku SH2FGSK50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce27Kanon SH2FGKN50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—27Luna 6 SH2PCL650 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce27Luna 9 SH2PCL950 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce27Lattice SH2FGLT50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—27Slat SH2FGSL50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce27Slat-g SH2FGSL-G50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Glace27Paracell SH2FGPR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce27Pixela SH2FGPX50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)LuceStripe29FusionPearlSH2CSFP50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29Fine String SH2PTFS50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29String SH2PTST50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29Wind SH2PTWD50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29Safari SH2PTSR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29String Reverse SH2PTSTR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29Fine SH2FGFN50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce29Seattle SH2DGST50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—3M™ FASARA™ Glass FinishesPg. Pattern Name Product Codewidth length same color29Seattle Fine SH2DGST-f50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29Shutie SH2FGST50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce29ShutieBlackSH2BKST50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29Arpa SH2FGAP50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)Luce29Arpa Crystal SH2APCR50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—29ArpaBlackSH2BKAP50 in. (1270mm)98.4 ft. (30m)—3M™ DI-NOC™ Glass FinishesPg. Pattern Name Product Codewidth length same color31FW-1129DGWood—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31FW-1022DGWood—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31FW-1751DGWood—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31FA-1156DGTextile Silk—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31MW-1419DGMetallic Wood—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31FA-1161DGAbstract—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31SI-1689DGTextile Silk—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31NU-1786DGTextile—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31SI-1613DGTextile Silk—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31ME-1716DGMetallic Hairline—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31ME-1434DGMetallic Hairline—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31ME-379DGMetallic Hairline—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31ME-432DGMetallic—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31PA-180DGMetallic—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31RT-1827DGMetallic Rust—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31ST-1831DGStone—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31ST-1587DGStone—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31AE-1719DGMortar—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31FA-1678DGAbstract—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31FA-1528DGAbstract—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31PS-503DGSolid Color—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—31PS-504DGSolid Color—48 in. (1220mm)82.0 ft. (25m)—3M™ Dichroic Glass FinishesPg. Pattern Name Product Codewidth length33BlazeDF-PA Blaze 48 in. (1220mm)98.4 ft. (30m)33ChillDF-PA Chill 48 in. (1220mm)98.4 ft. (30m)3M™ Crystal Dusted and Frosted Glass FinishesPg. Pattern Name Product Codewidth length35DustedWhite7725SE-314 48/60 in. (1220/1524mm)150 ft. (46m)35FrostedWhite7725SE-324 48/60 in. (1220/1524mm)150 ft. (46m)35FrostedGold7725SE-331 48 in. (1220mm)150 ft. (46m) For exterior applications This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity

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6GradationMist-W SH2FGMI-W

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7Single GradationCenter GradationSH2FGMI-S SH2FGMI-W Mist-SSH2FGMI-PR Mist-PRMist-WMist-S Mist-PRRoll Width: 1524mmNo printNo printTransmission: 87%220mmRoll Width: 1524mmTransmission: 87%585mmNo printRoll Width: 1524mmTransmission: 87%585mmNo printMist-SMist-WMist-PRInstallationposition1524mm300mmExample of Mist-W installation positionThe same installation position is recommended for Pop-W, Oval, Sand and Cloud.Mist-S and Mist-PR have dierent levels of haze in the gradation area. Mist-PR design has more haze for more privacy than Mist-S.

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8Gradation1 121 Pop-W SH2FGPP-W  2 Pop-S SH2FGPP-SGradation

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9Roll Width: 1524mmSH2FGCLSH2FGCNDSH2FGCNBSH2FGCNLSH2FGCNCloudCloud Narrow Dark GrayCloud Narrow Blue GrayCloud Narrow Light GrayCloud NarrowCenter GradationCenter and Single GradationPop-W Pop-SRoll Width: 1524mmRoll Width: 1270mmSH2FGPP-W SH2FGSD SH2FGOV Pop-WSH2FGPP-S Pop-SSandOvalRoll Width: 1270mmNo printNo printTransmission: 82%220mmTransmission: 78%387mmNo printRoll Width: 1524mmNo printNo printTransmission: 83% 220mmRoll Width: 1524mmNo printNo printTransmission: 74% 235mmNo printTransmission: 68%100mmNo printNo printNo printTransmission: 58%240mmOval(Center gradation type)(Single gradation type)Please check the appearance of the product to see the actual transparency.Cloud Cloud Narrow

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10GradationIllumina Seamless-W2 SH2SSIM-W2Gradation

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11Gradation Sheets(Center gradation type)(Center gradation type)SH2SSIM-W2 Illumina Seamless-W2SH2SSIM-WIllumina Silky-WSeamless seriesLength: 2950mmLength: 3000mmNo print410mmNo print410mmGradation2180mmCenterTransmission: 38%Gradation2400mmCenterTransmission: 25%No print275mmNo print275mmPrint Width1450mmPrint Width1450mm / 1210mm(Single gradation type)SH2SSIM-S2 Illumina Seamless-S2Length: 3000mmNo print1100mmTransmission: 38%820mmGradation1080mmNo print40mmTransmission: 25%820mmGradation1080mmIllumina Seamless-PR(Single gradation type)SH2SSIM-PR Length: 3000mmNo print775mmTransmission: 38%820mmGradation1405mm(Single gradation type)SH2SSIM-SIllumina Silky-SLength: 1940mmIllumina Seamless-PRA new gradation series that can cover a large area of glass with a single sheet without seams. Based on the popular Illumina Dot Gradation, the product is designed to ensure privacy without creating a sense of closure. A total of three variations area available, including center gradation, which becomes transparent at both ends of the sheet, single gradation, which becomes transparent at one end of the sheet and privacy single gradation which has a larger gradation area for more privacy coverage. Provided in single panel sheets with the print direction down the sheet length, wound on a small roll.Print Width1450mmPrint Width1450mmPrint Width1450mm / 1210mmPlease check the appearance of the product to see the actual transparency.

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12GradationIllumina Silky-W SH2SSIM-WIllumina Black SH2BKIM / Illumina Reect SH2SIIM / Illumina SH2FGIM / Illumina-g SH2FGIM-GGradation

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13No printNo print++SH2FGLUSH2MAGLSH2FGIM SH2FGIM SH2FGIM-PR SH2FGIM-GSH4FGIMX ExteriorLuceGlaceIllumina Illumina Illumina-PR Illumina-gIllumina aSingle GradationRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1524mmTransmission: 40%398mmNo printNo printNo printTransmission: 1%400mmTransmission: 6%250mmTransmission: 57%250mmIllumina-PRIllumina ReectRoll Width: 1270mmTransmission: 33%250mmFrost/Matte pattern with transmission and color that compliments Gradation pattern+Roll Width: 1270mm+SH2SIIMRE1SIARSH2BKIMSH2BKOPIllumina ReectSilver 1Illumina BlackOpaque Black

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14GradationAerina SH2FGAR / Sabrina SH2FGSB / Lontano SH2FGLO / Tsurugi SH2FGTG / Venetian SH2FGVNGradation

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15++++SH2FGCESH2FGLUSH2FGDM SH2FGTGSH2FGMR SH2FGLUSH2FGAR SH2FGSB SH2FGVNSH2FGLOCieloLuceDiamondTsurugiMare LuceAerina Sabrina VenetianLontanoSingle GradationRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmTransmission88%No printNo printNo printTransmission: 78%280mmNo printNo printTransmission: 25%Transmission: 33%TsurugiTransmission: 50%Transmission: 33%25mmTransmission: 25%180mmFrost/Matte pattern with transmission and color that compliments Gradation pattern

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15++++SH2FGCESH2FGLUSH2FGDM SH2FGTGSH2FGMR SH2FGLUSH2FGAR SH2FGSB SH2FGVNSH2FGLOCieloLuceDiamondTsurugiMare LuceAerina Sabrina VenetianLontanoSingle GradationRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmRoll Width: 1270mmTransmission88%No printNo printNo printTransmission: 78%280mmNo printNo printTransmission: 25%Transmission: 33%TsurugiTransmission: 50%Transmission: 33%25mmTransmission: 25%180mmFrost/Matte pattern with transmission and color that compliments Gradation pattern

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16Natural1231 Shigure SH2BKSG  2 Fibril SH2PTFB  3 Brushed Black SH2BKBRGradation

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17SH2BKSG Shigure BlackSH2BKBR Brushed Black SH2GRSG Shigure GraySH2PTSG ShigureShigure / Shigure Gray / Shigure BlackFibril Brushed / Brushed BlackRoll WidthRoll LengthRoll Width: 1270mmSH2PTFB SH2FGBR Fibril Brushed

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18123Natural1 Terrazzo Black SH2BKTZ  2 Travertine SH2FGTV  3 Terrazzo SH2FGTZNatural

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19SH2BKTV Travertine BlackSH2BKTZ Terrazzo BlackSH2FGTV SH2FGTZ TravertineTerrazzoTravertine / Travertine Black Terrazzo / Terrazzo BlackRoll WidthRoll LengthRoll Width: 1270mm*Image is scaled to show visual details

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20Frost /MatteSH2MACRX2 Exterior SH2FGMRSH2FGCESH2EMLASH2FGLUSH2FRMAX Exterior SH2MACR-ISH2MAMLSH2MAOWSH2EMOSSH2MLCRX Exterior SH2FRSCX Exterior SH2FNCRSH2MAGLSH2EMESSH2MAMMSH2EMCHMatte Crystal 2MareCieloLausanneLuceFrost MatteMatte Crystal-iMilky WhiteOpaque WhiteOsloMilky CrystalFrost SucreFine CrystalGlaceEssenMilky MilkyChamonixWH-111-GWhiteboard (dry erase)Natural

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21SH2MACRX2 Exterior 〈Transmission:87%〉SH2FGMR 〈78%〉SH2FGCE 〈50%〉SH2EMLA 〈85%〉SH2FGLU 〈33%〉SH2FRMAX Exterior 〈89%〉SH2MACR-I 〈85%〉SH2MAML 〈60%〉SH2MAOW 〈6%〉SH2EMOS 〈82%〉SH2MLCRX Exterior 〈26%〉SH2FRSCX Exterior 〈57%〉SH2FNCR 〈83%〉SH2MAGL 〈57%〉SH2EMES 〈49%〉SH2EMCH 〈48%〉Matte Crystal 2MareCieloLausanneLuceFrost MatteMatte Crystal-iMilky WhiteOpaque WhiteOsloMilky CrystalFrost SucreFine CrystalGlaceEssenMilky MilkyChamonixSH2MAMM 〈28%〉〈 〉:TransmissionWH-111-GWhiteboard (dry erase)Roll WidthRoll Length

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22Cross Hairline Matte SH2CHMAReect/HairlineFrost / Matte

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23Frost WalnutSH2PTFW 〈87%〉Cross Hairline Matte Light GraySH2CHMAL 〈51%〉〈 〉:TransmissionSH2CHMA 〈90%〉SH2CHSC 〈57%〉SH2HLMA 〈90%〉SH2CHML 〈26%〉RE1SIARReect Cross Hairline Matte Cross Hairline Sucre Cross Hairline Milky SH2MAMMD 〈51%〉SH2BKOP 〈1%〉Milky Milky Light Gray Milky Milky Dark Gray Opaque Black SH2MAMMB 〈55%〉Milky Milky Blue GraySH2SICMRChain Mesh ReectFrost Walnut SmokeSH2PTFWS 〈49%〉Hairline Matte SH2MAMML〈Transmission:61%〉Roll WidthRoll Length

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24Washi/FabricPyrgos SH2PTPGBuckram Pearl + Gray SH2FGBUGReect / Hairline

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25Roll WidthRoll LengthSH2PTSFSafuSH2PTSA2SaganoSH2PTPGSH2PTRKSH2FGSWPyrgosSH2FGVGVegaSH2FGATSH2PTYAYamatoRikyuAltairStraight WashiSH2FGSESensai LinenSH2CSSECSensai Linen Champagne GoldSH2CSGCGrain Champagne GoldSH2FGLNLinenSH2FGCVCanvasSH2CSCVCCanvas Champagne GoldSH2LNCRLinen CrystalSH2FGBUBuckramSH2EMWPWeave PearlSH2EMWGWeave Pearl + Dark GraySH2FGBUGBuckram Pearl + Gray

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26GeometricVista SH2FGVICut Glass Pearl SH2CSCPWashi / Fabric

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27SH2FGVIVistaSH2PCL6Luna 6SH2PCL9Luna 9SH2FGSKShizukuSH2FGKNKanonSH2CSASAstral silverSH2CSCCut GlassSH2CSCPCut Glass PearlSH2FGPRParacellSH2FGLTLatticeSH2FGSLSlatSH2FGPXPixelaSH2FGSL-GSlat-gRoll WidthRoll Length

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28StripeShutie Black SH2BKSTString SH2PTSTGeometric

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29SH2PTWDWindSH2PTSTStringSH2PTSTRString ReverseSH2PTFSFine StringSH2CSFPFusion PearlSH2PTSRSafariSH2APCRArpa CrystalSH2DGSTSeattleSH2BKSTShutie BlackSH2FGAPArpaSH2FGSTShutieSH2DGST-FSeattle FineSH2FGFNFineSH2BKAPArpa BlackRoll WidthRoll Length

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303MTM DI-NOCTM Glass FinishesFA-1161DGFA-1678DG / FW-1022DG / FA-1528DG / ST-1587DG / FA-1161DGStripe

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31Roll WidthRoll LengthMW-1419DG ME-1716DG(DG-1716) ME-1434DG Metallic Hairline Metallic HairlineFA-1678DG(DG-1678)Abstract ST-1831DG(DG-1831)StoneFW-1129DG(DG-1129)Wood SI-1689DG(DG-1689)Textile Silk PS-503DG(DG-503)Solid Color ME-379DG(DG-379)Metallic HairlineFA-1528DG(DG-1528)Abstract ST-1587DG(DG-1587)StoneFW-1022DG(DG-1022)Wood FA-1156DG(DG-1156)Textile Silk Metallic Wood PS-504DG(DG-504)Solid ColorME-432DG(DG-432) PA-180DG RT-1827DG Metallic Metallic Metallic RustFA-1161DG(DG-1161)AbstractAE-1719DG(DG-1719)Mortar FW-1751DG(DG-1751)Wood SI-1613DG(DG-1613)Textile Silk NU-1786DG(DG-1786)Textile This product is manufactured to order. Contact your local 3M sales rep to learn more on its lead time and minimum order quantity3MTM DI-NOCTM Glass Finishes

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32DichroicDichroic Chill DF-PADichroic

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33DF-PA Chill ExteriorChillDF-PA Blaze ExteriorBlazeRoll WidthRoll Length

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34Crystal Dusted and FrostedDichroic

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357725SE-314 ExteriorDusted White7725SE-324 ExteriorFrosted White7725SE-331 ExteriorFrosted GoldRoll WidthRoll LengthCrystal Dusted and Frosted

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36Explore the possibilities with 3M™ Glass Finishes.Illumina Reect SH2SIIMPhoto: Yousuke HariganeCrystal Dusted and Frosted

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